Prevention is essential in our daily lives. Everything that we do is somehow related to prevention. In everyday life, prevention is usually called safety. The seat belt and airbag successfully serve to prevent car injuries, protected home electrical circuits and fuses - for the prevention of injuries and burns by electric current, etc. We apply sunscreen to the skin to prevent sunburn and cancer; in winter, we wear warm clothes to prevent hypothermia and colds. This list goes on and on.
Professional oral hygiene - a preventive measure, which should be carried out regularly and regardless of a person’s age and condition of his teeth. The main goal of oral hygiene is to remove plaque.
The patient should remember that the implementation of this procedure is an integral part of the complex procedures for caring for his health, which helps to prevent the risk of dental diseases. Clinical experiments show that the accumulation of plaque leads to inflammation of the gums, and its removal leads to their complete recovery.
Plaque begins to form already in the second hour after brushing your teeth. If you do not get rid of it - do not brush your teeth, and then it goes into tartar. As a rule, tartar is formed in places inaccessible to the toothbrush. And some factors contribute to his education:
1. Improper hygiene;
2. Eating too soft food (solid food cleanses the teeth);
3. Chewing on only one side of the jaw: on the side that you don’t use, there are many more stones deposited - it does not clean naturally during meals. In general, chewing on one side is very harmful: the teeth wear out unevenly, and the muscles on one side of the face develop more than on the other, the joint suffers;
4. Incorrect bite and crowding of teeth complicates their cleaning;
5. Periodontitis;
6. Metabolic disease;
7. Hereditary factors.
The procedure for professional dental care at Oakleigh dentist includes the following steps:
1. Enamel cleaning using ultrasound;
2. Tooth treatment using dental sandblasting preparations;
3. Polishing the dentition with polishing pastes.
The first step is to remove hard and soft plaque, and tartar performed by a hygienist. Such a procedure precedes therapeutic, orthopedic, surgical, and orthodontic measures.
Removal of dental plaque is performed safely for dental health and painlessly (if necessary or at the request of the patient, local anesthesia is performed) with an ultrasound device Myobrace Melbourne. Tools for removing deposits have a special sharpening, which prevents damage to the tooth enamel.
After removing the supra- and subgingival stones, the second stage of brushing is carried out, allowing you to remove soft and pigmented plaque. For this procedure, the air-abrasive method is used, the original Air-Flow technology.
The third and final stage is polishing the teeth with a special toothpaste. It is necessary not only for the aesthetic component but also is a preventive measure that prevents the early appearance of plaque. The thing is that after polishing the tooth surface becomes smoother, which means that plaque does not stick to it for a longer time. In some cases, the therapist may prescribe additional procedures. For example, it can be fluoridation, sealing fissures, etc. At the end of tooth brushing, the doctor will surely give recommendations on the use of this or that remedy, tell you which brush is best to use and answer all your questions regarding oral hygiene.
It is important to understand that dental deposits can be both the cause and the aggravation and progression of periodontal disease. Regularly visiting a hygienist doctor to prevent periodontal diseases and maintain oral health, in the first case, you will maintain oral health, fresh breath, a clear smile, clear diction.
Dental examination in the second case, you will be able to delay the appearance of bad breath, the appearance of gaps between the teeth, bleeding, tooth mobility, the need for complex periodontal surgery, and the manufacture of complex, expensive prostheses for a very long period. It is very important to be registered with people suffering from some general somatic diseases, especially diabetes.
A smile plays a very important role in communication and self-esteem. Proper care of your teeth allows you to achieve the highest result in the most gentle and effective way. Huntingdale Dental Care can help you in the best way possible.